Thursday, March 1, 2007

Busy bee!

There have been more cards posted by more awesome designers and I think my grin might have become a permanent fixture! I have been busy printing out catalogs (my inkjet is pretty sad this week) to send to the marketing company I am working with and got a response this week from 2 other marketing companies as well! Who hoo!

I have been too busy to figure out how to post links to all the blogs I stalk, and galleries I drool over, and stamps I covet...but someday...hopefully not too soon though...I will have some time!

I am so thankful for this opportunity and for the direction that things seem to be heading in, I am living in a total state of gratitude right now when I think about the business I am helping to grow. I often look at Martin and say, "You know what?", he always plays along and prompts me to continue, and I reply with a smile, "I own a stamp company!".

So I am off to print more catalogs...and maybe order a new printer!

Hugs to all,

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