Hi all! I am taking a super quick break to post a pic of the Innovations Display we used for CHA featuring two kick-butt rojects by Sherrie Siemens and Pam Bassett. This photo was taken right before we loaded it into the display, (thank GOD Sherrie is tall, it was supposed to go on the top shelf and I, at under 5'3", wasn't going to cut it!) since they didn't allow pictures of the items once in the display. This was pretty much the only pic I took at CHA because I am the dork that travels with a package of batteries and her camera and never remembers to pull it out and use it! When Sherrie stepped inside the big glass case to officially *place* our display inside, I was overcome with emotion. Thank goodness my peeps were there to help me keep it together! This year has been such a wonderful journey for me and it's at times like these that I realize just how much has happened in that year. In that moment, I was so completely proud of the year MFT had and proud to be sharing it with people I've grown to know and love! My only regret is that my Mom was not there in her physical form to see it. I know she was there is Spirit, heck I'd be willing to bet she's done a lot of orchestration this past year! Having lost so much of my family the past couple of years, I find myself longing for them to share this with me. Add to that the immense gratitude and satisfaction I feel and you've got a serious recipe for tears! Since I will still be AWOL for a bit packing and shipping all these CHA orders I thought I would again offer some blog candy to tide everyone over until I have time to actually make something! Oh how I miss stamping!!!!!! (woe is me, right?) Anyhow....what about we head to the Wild West for a Ride 'Em Cowgirl set! I will pick a winner on March 5th, the day of the release party! Make sure to number your posts and add your email addy!!!!!!
Hugs to all,
wow im #1 thats got mean im lucky today csierra001@triad.rr.com
#2 - I bet this is going to be CUTE!
email is linked on my blog
#3 I am so sitting here with my fingers crossed. Good luck with your move! Andrea
#4 Thanks for the chance to win a set of MFT stamps!!
#5 I can't wait to see the cowgirl. Is she headless? Yeah!
#6 I can't wait to see the new set.
#7 Can't wait for the release party. MFT parties are the best. jamb1997@roadrunner.com -Molly B
#8. I love that little board book! Such a cute idea :) Thanks for sharing and congrats on the success of your company!
I am #9. It sounds like such a cute set. Thanks for your generosity.
It's a good life!
Terri E.
#10 - Come on Lucky No. 10, momma needs some new free stamps :)
Congrats on all you have accomplished over the year and I'm sure your mom is smiling down upon you. Keep up the awesome work, I love your stamps.
Jenn G
#11 I can't wait for a cowgirl set. I'm so excited I've got two of your sets on their way to me right now... I can't wait to play!
Congrats on your success at CHA! I can't wait to see the next release!
#13 Ooh I love the peeks I've seen so far! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
I would LOVE to win a set of stamps! Maybe 13 is my lucky number....
#15 I can hardly wait for another release.!
#15 Congrats on all your success! You have built up an amazing business and have a ton of adoring fans (me included). It says a lot about you! Can't wait to see the new sets!
peggstone at gmail.com
Congrats on the last year! I can't wait to see the new set!
#18. Love those animals. Having lost my parents in the recent years, I can totally sympathize how you feel. Comeback soon to see us.
Giddy up! I can't wait for this month's release party...you girls are too much!
BTW, thanks Kim for the stamp set(little somethin' for the March GD runner up)
Tender thoughts being sent your way during this busy time. I do think our loved ones are with us in many ways after they pass... I bet your Mother is very proud of you!
#21 I am just so proud of you I could bust my buttons!!!! I am a HUGE fan of MFT (in oh, so many ways - grins!! :D) and you have come so very far! give yourself a pat on the back, girlfriend, for you deserve it! you are surrounded by so many people who love and support you!!
and cowboys and cowgirls! oh my!!! how exciting!! :)
#22 Congrats on all your accomplishments this past year and I bet 2008 is going to be even better!!!
I can't wait to see the new releases!!!
#22 - I think you have done a fabulous job with your stamps. I know how much time and energy it takes to do something as special as what you have done. I love your stamps, and have an ever growing collection. marilyncline@hchd.net
Thanks for the blog candy chance!
Not an entry -- just a HUG and wanted to tell you that was a proud moment for me, too, and I was so glad I got to share it with you!!
#25 What a good age that was and I can't wait for this stamp set, she is a girl after my own heart. Thanx for the chance at some blog candy. Stacy
#26 Congrats to you! You brought a tear to my eye when you mentioned your mother, so sweet. Thank you! -antoinette
#27 Can't wait for the release party...
Wow, this is great love the chance to win
Wow! That's a fantastic display board! I can't wait to see the western set! Hurry up release date! Bonnie
#30 I can't wait to see the new sets. So exciting!
31. I've seen a couple of examples with this set. Cute as can be. Congrats on your successful year.
just love this sample. Not sure if this is the right place to ask this or not but wondering if you will ever offer this wonderful creation as a KIT???
And thanks again for the chance to win a great set. Love your stuff and always need more of it
just love this sample. Not sure if this is the right place to ask this or not but wondering if you will ever offer this wonderful creation as a KIT???
And thanks again for the chance to win a great set. Love your stuff and always need more of it
#33 I am excited to see the cowgirl set! Thanks.
#34 Can't wait to see the new set!
And thanks for the chance to win!!
Diane, craftscar@hotmail.com
#36 I have been looking for western themed sets!
Can't wait to see this set!
#39 - thanks for the chance!
I dont need to be counted in the blog candy. I just wanted to say that your post made me misty eyed. I can only imagine how you felt. Congratulations on all of your success, you deserve it!
#41 I can hardly wait for the new sets to come out! Congrats on such a successful CHA. I'm sorry you haven't gotten to ink lately....
#42 - Kim, I just want to say that it's been a fun couple of months for me getting to know MFT. I've ordered and ordered and ordered! LOL I do so love my MFT stamps! Looking forward to the next party!
#43 Congratulations!! Thanks for sharing! And lots of luck to you.
mycuteginger at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the chance. I would love to have a new set. Can't wait to see it!
#45 Wow, I can't believe I remember to number my post! Congratulations on a great MFT's year and another release! Can't wait to see this one!
I just saw a card posted on Splitcoast with your newcowgirl and she's simply adorable! Can't wait for the new release.
Becca @ bpayne1@cox.net
#47 Thank you for being so generous! I just found MFT and the Twisted Sentiments are great! I'd like to see this cowgirl set...
#48 Can't wait to see the new set!
#49 If I don't win I'll just have to order it ;)
#50 Kim Howard
#51. Wow, I just saw this set - thanks for the chance to win.
Allison - kaleenaf@shaw.ca
#52 I am ready for this set since I've always wanted some western stamps...too cute!
Thanks for a chance to win an MFT set! Yeah!
#54 - Thanks for the opportunity to get these great stamps!!
Looking forward to the new release. I love your images and have started collecting your sets!
-Lena Altman
#56 - Thanks for the chance at the new set. Love your company!
#57 woot! sounds like a lucky number to me!! :) TomatoL@aol.com
#58 here...
Congrats Kim!! And {{{HUGS}}} too :)
That cowgirl set will be rockin' no doubt... I saw a sneak peek somewhere...and I love it.
Thanks for the chance!!!
#59 Can't wait to see the new set!
#60 Oh, oh...I would LOVE this set! I saw a sneek peek today on Cammie's blog.
Can't wait until March 5th... thanks for the opportunity to win something!
#62 ~ love the teasers, can't wait to see the rest!! thanks!!
#63 Would love to win that set, my three grandaughters are all into the horse and cowgirl scene. They loved the farm set I have of yours with all the animals and the horse the best.
#64 - it's a very lucky number! I hope I win :)
#65 - I love that cowgirl set! Thanks for the chance.
Love that cowgirl!!!
Julie C.
#66 - Can't wait to see the set! Pick me, pick me!
Andrea Vernagus
I know what you mean about missing stamping when you don't get to do it! If I miss even a day I'm mad!
That's me!
beastbunny at hotmail dot com
I'm going to go with #70 since two people picked 65 ;-) Thanks for a chance at some wonderful stamps; I haven't seen them, but I know they will be great! Alyssa
#71. Saw Kim's card and loved it. Hope to win! Janine B
#72 -- Ohh, this is my birth year, too. I do hope I win that set. I saw one from Kirsten and Kim today and somebody else's whom I cannot remember now, but that were "so darn cute!" *said in my best southern drawl* LOL Thanks for a chance to win. I hope you pick me, pick me *hand waving* :) Kelly
#73 Love the card on today's post. Can't wait to see the cowgirl!
Oooh! #74 and just squeeking in on the day of the cutoff! Thanx for the inspiration as well as the blog candy opp!
later, alligator!
- SueB of sueblondin.blogspot.com
#75.... we Texans love cowgirls... I've been eyeing that set since all the sneak peaks started. I am sure they will do well.
oh i hope i'm not too late for this! how did i miss it the first time? i NEED that cowgirl set!! put me down as lucky number 76, the year my twin sisters were born!
hope to "see" you tonight, friend!!
#77 the set looks great! I lived in LA but visited TX often. I would love the set.
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